兩天前晚上看了正進行得如火如荼的本季"American Idol",目前淘汰到Final 12,其中有個來自西雅圖的男生,叫Blake,超愛表演,過關斬將從初選到現在,老喜歡在台上把自己當成賈斯汀,除了乖乖唱歌還要跳舞,嘴巴還要做出打鼓聲的口技,我覺得他歌喉尚可,不過的確是很努力想往這行發展。
Blake在星期二晚上唱了一首叫做"You keep me hanging on"的老歌,他自己加上電音合成效果,表演時整個舞台發出像Disco舞廳般的紫色燈光。評審不喜歡他改編經典歌曲,他就有點難過的下台了。
所謂音樂穿人腦,這兩天以來,我的腦袋都是這首歌的旋律,嘴裡也一直不自主的哼著僅記得的前幾句。上網查了一下,發現這首歌其實大有來頭。 1966年,由團員包含超年輕Diana Ross的Supremes第一次發表這首歌,馬上連續兩週蟬連英國告示版冠軍。之後不斷有人翻唱,其中包含Rod Stewart,可是我比較喜歡的是1986年Wilde Kim以及Madness這兩個版本。
我想經典歌曲的最大特色就是無論經過多少年,聽起來還是很有型有款,就像永遠不退流行的白T恤。不過畫面中的Wilde Kim的髮型實在很有懷舊的感覺啊~~
P.S. 我覺得Blake唱得不錯啊!
Wilde Kim版
Set me free, why don't you babe?
get out my life, why don't you babe?
'cause you don't really love me
you just keep me hanging on
Set me free, why don't you babe?
get out my life, why don't you babe?
'cause you don't really need me
but you keep me hanging on
Why do you keep a-comin' around
playing with my heart
why don't you get out of my life
and let me make a brand new start
let me get over you
the way you've gotten over me, yeah
Set me free, why don't you babe?
get out my life, why don't you babe?
'cause you don't really love me
you just keep me hanging on
now you don't really need me
you just keep me hanging on
You say although we broke up
you still just wanna be friends
but how can we still be friends
when seeing you only breaks my heart again
and there ain't nothing I can do about it...
Get out, get out of my life
and let me sleep at night
'cause you don't really love me
you just keep me hanging on
You say you still care for me
but your heart and soul needs to be free
now that you've got your freedom
you wanna still hold on to me
you don't want me for yourself
so let me find somebody else
Why don't you be a man about it and set me free
now you don't care a thing about me
you're just using me, abusing me
get out, get out of my life
and let me sleep at night
'cause you don't really love me
you just keep me hanging on
'Cause you don't really need me
you just keep me hanging on